Archive for the ‘Irregular Wear’ Category

#79 New Front Tires

May 19, 2013

Rear tires were replaced some months back but while replacing the control arms and tie rod ends in the previous task (#78), I observed that the front tires were in fairly bad shape and needed replacement.


There was some tread wear remaining but not too much.  Of concern was the irregular tread wear where the inside and outside edges are worn down.  This is often explained by tire pressure under-inflation but can also be attributed to poor wheel alignment as well as loose ball joints in tie rod ends and control arm.  We have tried to keep tire pressure set properly on this car so that doesn’t explain all the wear.  As noted in previous task, there was wear in the ball joints.

Also of concern is considerable cracking of the rubber:


This is sometimes called dry rot and indicates an old, dry tire which is in danger of separating.  This is more prevalent in warmer climates such as we have in Texas.  At high speed it could mean a dangerous blowout so we want to get these replaced right away.

New tires installed to match rears so we are good for several years with four new shoes.

New shoes.

New shoes.

$158 (not premium performance tires, just good basic tires)